

My candidacy is founded on a sincere desire to serve, and a set of principled positions aimed at fostering a stronger, more vibrant Missouri. Together, let us forge a path towards a brighter future, where the values of our community are upheld, and the voices of every citizen are heard and respected.


I firmly and faithfully believe in protecting all life and will champion policies that uphold the rights of the unborn, young, and elderly. Beyond just talk, I'm committed to tackling the root causes of difficult decisions. Let's take a comprehensive stand to prevent situations where women and families feel the only option they have is abortion. With decisive action, we can make Missouri a stronger Pro-Life state, ensuring a supportive environment for everyone's right to live.

Limited Government

I am resolute in promoting policies that prioritize individual freedoms and decisively curtail government intrusion in families. We must create an environment where citizens can flourish without the burdens of unnecessary bureaucracy. I firmly assert that decisions should be made at the lowest practical level of government, empowering individuals, families, and local leaders to wield the most influence in daily decision-making. Understand this: a country cannot be truly free without safeguarding individual freedoms.

Right To Bear Arms

I staunchly defend the Second Amendment and will work to protect the rights of law-abiding citizens to bear arms responsibly.

Rapid Changes In Technology

In the dynamic landscape of technological evolution, I've personally observed its remarkable journey – progressing from starting college with no cell phone, to 15 years immersed in the information technology industry. My commitment is clear: I am determined to lead the charge for technological advancement in our district. Simultaneously, I am resolute in formulating assertive policies that fiercely safeguard our individual freedoms, privacy, and security in the face of the use of our personal data by data brokers and artificial intelligence. It's time to be blunt – companies must not be allowed to cloak and manipulate your data, especially in crucial sectors like farming and healthcare. This blatant imbalance is breeding monopolies that exploit your information for profit. The solutions demand a fearless advocate who adheres to traditional principles and way of life yet comprehends and seamlessly integrates technologies that elevate our lives.

Supports Small Business

As a small business owner, I understand the daily struggles of entrepreneurs. I will tirelessly champion policies that reduce red tape, encourage innovation, and ensure fair regulations, fostering a favorable business environment. Additionally, I am committed to securing accessible financial resources, promoting workforce development, and advocating for healthcare policies that specifically address the needs of our small businesses. Let's create a local economy where our business enterprises can not only survive, but flourish, contributing to the lasting prosperity of our community.

Real Choice in Education

Students must have meaningful choices to tailor their education for lifelong success. Unfortunately, the school choice debate has predominantly revolved around the "where" of education, focusing on the location and control rather than the substance. It's time to shift the conversation towards empowering students to choose "what" they study.

We need to reimagine education, allowing students to utilize their school time as a preparation phase for their future endeavors. The goal is for students to finish a program and confidently declare, "Now I am ready.", not "What do I do now?" 

To achieve this, we must begin by strengthening local control over public education by returning it to school boards and local voters. This shift would reduce burdensome state mandates and foster a more responsive and adaptable educational environment for the students.

I am committed to advocating for programs that provide diverse training and educational options in both high school and post-high school settings. This approach will give students genuine choices, enabling them to explore technical trades, pursue traditional higher education, or enter the workforce directly. It's time to prioritize students' individual career paths over a system that prioritizes attendance and not results.

Rights Of Farmers

Large farming corporations shouldn't dictate to farmers how and where they can repair their equipment. Although the Federal Trade Commission has provided some guidance, these corporations resist compliance and resort to litigation. Missouri needs a robust Right to Repair law to prevent corporations from exerting undue influence over individual farmers in the state.

Similarly, farmers' data may be exploited against their interests. Large corporations profit from selling farmers' data to seed, pesticide, and fertilizer companies, enabling them to "personalize pricing" and services. Many farmers currently lack the right to opt out. Missouri should prioritize farmers' ownership of their data, ensuring it cannot be used by other companies without explicit consent.

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