
An Experienced Leader

Ready To Serve

I am fueled by a passion for solving real-world problems, a conviction honed through years of bridging the gap between everyday challenges and the expertise required to address them. I truly believe we can always be better if we are willing to put the work into it. My family has been in Cape County over 150 years and I desire to help make it a place my great-grandchildren will be proud to call home.

Throughout my professional life as an Iraq War combat veteran, consultant, and business owner, I have dedicated myself to understanding the challenges faced by real people and collaborating with experts to craft effective solutions. Much like negotiating between differing perspectives in the consulting world, the role of a representative demands a nuanced, reasoned, and articulate approach — understanding the district's needs and aspirations and implementing policies grounded in conservative principles.  

As your next State Representative, I will:

Be Pro-Life

Protect the 2nd amendment rights of law-abiding gun owners.

Work to limit government intrusion into our families.

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